About Us
The InfoGraphics Lab is a data and design lab that specializes in cartography and data visualization. We are a hybrid research and practice facility that works scholarly and creative projects related to space and place in the environmental sciences, social sciences and humanities at the UO and beyond.
Established in 1988, the lab is best known for producing several major print atlases (including the Atlas of Oregon, Atlas of Yellowstone, and Wild Migrations) and interactive works (UO Sustainability Dashboard, Atlas of Essential Work, Interactive Nolli Map), but engages regularly in smaller collaborations.
Our flagship undergraduate student experiential learning program employs and trains students in a professional setting to contribute to advancing scholarship, developing science communication products, and making substantive impacts on the human and natural world.
Mission and Values
Our mission is to generate meaning and impact through data and design.
We practice, teach, and study creative data-driven design, fostering collaboration across diverse disciplines to transform research, discover and communicate insights, and engage with pressing societal and environmental challenges.
We believe in the power of data and design to reveal insights, spark curiosity, and inspire change. We are committed to advancing academic research, making substantive impacts on the environment and society, and cultivating a diverse and inclusive community of thinkers, learners and creators.
Current News
Bill Loy Award for Excellence in Cartography
Bill Loy was a UO Geography for over 30 years, and co-founder of the InfoGraphics Lab. Bill established the Loy Award for Excellence in Cartography at the end of his life to continue to recognize the work of UO Geography students. The award is given each year to outstanding cartographic products designed by graduate or undergraduate students majoring in Geography or Spatial Data Science.
Submission information and past winners: https://infographics.uoregon.edu/project/loy-award/
2023-24 InfoGraphics Lab Anthology
The Anthology is an annual publication that at its heart focuses on the student experience in the InfoGraphics Lab. Through essays, photographs, and data graphics, the Anthology takes the reader through an exploration of the Lab, our mission and goals, our inspiration and collaborations, reflections on our work, and our community on campus and beyond.
Student Employment
The InfoGraphics Lab employs both graduate and undergraduate students who have interests in design, data visualization, cartography, GIS, and web development. Students gain experience by working with faculty on a variety of Lab projects where they can learn and grow their skillsets. The Lab is a research and design hub on campus that develops data visualizations for print, web, and mobile and is best known for its award-winning series of atlases.
GIS Day & Geography Awareness Week
NOVEMBER 20, 2024
12-3, Knight Library
GIS day is celebrated across the world to help others learn about geography and the real-world applications of GIS that are making a difference in our society.