The Atlas of yellowstone, Second Edition tells diverse stories about Yellowstone through maps, data visualizations, photography, and text that is accessible and useful to park visitors and scientists alike. The atlas was created by the InfoGraphics lab in collaboration with hundreds of topic experts.

The publication of the Atlas of Yellowstone, Second Edition celebrates the 150th anniversary of the founding of Yellowstone National Park—the first national park in the world. The atlas is an accessible, comprehensive guide that presents Yellowstone’s story through data-rich and beautiful maps and data visualizations. The Atlas of Yellowstone, Second Edition explores Yellowstone’s contribution to preserving and understanding natural and cultural landscapes, to informing worldwide conservation practices, and to inspiring national parks around the world while also learning about the many struggles the park faces in carrying out its mission. Ranging from Indigenous Americans and local economies to geysers and wildlife migrations, from the life of one wolf to the threat of wildfires, each page provides leading experts’ insights into the complexity and significance of Yellowstone.