The InfoGraphics Lab partnered with the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI) to design public-facing maps for tsunami evacuation routes in the coastal communities of Oregon. The evacuation data was modeled by DOGAMI and the Lab helped effectively communicate the complex data by creating additional models and cartographic products that that serve as a design for all coastal communities. Products include a print “Beat the Wave” map template and the framework for a web-based platform that provides on-demand evacuation routes.

The web-based framework is a collaboration between DOGAMI, the Northwest Association of Networked Oregon Observing Systems (NANOOS) and the UO Location Innovation Lab. Potential evacuees to locate their home or workplace on the map and generate the closest tsunami evacuation routes from any location within the mapped region. The platform also charts the amount of time it will take to walk, jog, or run as well as where the best evacuation assembly area is located. The model created by the InfoGraphics Lab produces geographic routes and associated evacuation times for all addresses within each evacuation area. The routes, which avoid potential hazards, are displayed on the NANOOS webmap when you click on an address.

“Designing ‘Beat the Wave’ Tsunami Evacuation Maps” (NACIS 2019, Tacoma, WA)

UO partners with state to improve tsunami evacuation planning (Around the O, August 2021)
Online tool routes quickest, safest way out of tsunami evacuation zone (KGW8, August 2021)

Project Collaborators

Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI)
Northwest Association of Networked Oregon Observing Systems (NANOOS)
UO Location Innovation Lab

InfoGraphics Research Assistants

Roane Mullins
Julia Olson
Lucy Roberts