Atlas of Ungulate Migration
Building on a long history of mapping ungulate migration, the InfoGraphics Lab collaborated with Global Initiative on Ungulate Migration to create the Atlas of Ungulate Migration. The Atlas is a digital repository and learning tool that showcases a diversity of migratory species around the globe, ranging from the iconic Serengeti wildebeest and African elephant, to the saiga of the Central Asian steppe, and highlights the threats to their migrations. This atlas represents the best available science, with a beautiful digital interface to explore the movements of different species, with downloadable maps accompanied by factsheets that describe the migrations in detail, the data analysis, and specific threats. Importantly, the Atlas makes the derived migration corridors and routes freely downloadable so developers and conservationists can incorporate up-to-date ungulate movement data in their spatial planning. The Atlas is living, and continually updated.
The Global Initiative on Ungulate Migration was created in 2020 to work collaboratively to: 1) create a Global Atlas of Ungulate Migration (an inventory) using tracking data and expert knowledge; and 2) stimulate research on drivers, mechanisms, threats and conservation solutions common to ungulate migration worldwide.
Science News, September 4, 2024
Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, September 4, 2024
Project Collaborators
Global Initiative on Ungulate Migration
Convention on Migratory Species
Gage Cartographics
InfoGraphics Research Assistants
Dylan Legg
Kelsey McCray
Lauren Nguyen
Clare Otcasek